Project management
and coordination
Project management activities include all the necessary administrative steps to ensure quality, coherence and accountability to program regulations, contractual obligations, project goals, fulfilment of milestones and deadlines (including reporting to the European Commission).
T1.1. Develop the project’s management methodology
As Project Coordinator, IGO-IFJ will ensure the efficient operationalisation of J-CAP, along with the achievement of its objectives, the enforcement of the project’s timeline, and respect to the Grant Agreement's conditions. This task comprises the development of a QAP, a central guidance element for the overall project implementation tasks. This document will ensure the quality of the produced work, coordinate technical details, govern and monitor the project partners’ engagement and correct fulfilment of their respective tasks and activities, with a particular emphasis on the deliverables. This task will also entail an internal evaluation plan, including the production and enforcement of protocol and internal and external reporting guidelines. This plan foresees the production and submission of a Progress Report, as well as of a Final Evaluation Report for EC submission. Lastly, a Risk Mitigation Plan will be developed as well – which has been preliminarily developed in the present application. T.1.2. Transnational project meetings An exploratory virtual Kick-off Meeting, guided by the project coordinator, will allow partners to determine the Kick-off Meeting’s definite date, as well as organise and coordinate the work for the planned tasks during the first months of J-CAP. T.1.3. Administrative management As project coordinator (PC), IGO-IFJ will fulfil administrative and managerial tasks which ensure the proper rolling out of the project. In this sense, IGO-IFJ will maintain continuous contact with the administrative monitoring staff of each partner organisation. Moreover, under this task, the PC will design a template for management reports to be shared with partners and filled by the chosen contact person. As such, internal reports are meant to be shared with the Consortium every 6 months (totalling 4 internal reports), on which the Mid-term Project Evaluation report and the Final Evaluation report will be based. Furthermore, IGO-IFJ will manage the interactions between the Consortium and relevant external entities (i.e., public and governmental bodies, research organisations, non-governmental organisations). T.1.4. Financial management This task will be structured by the design and employment of J-CAP’s financial monitoring plan, which will foresee the periodic production of financial monitoring reports, sensibly every 8 months, totalling 3 financial reports, on which the Progress Evaluation Report and the Final Evaluation report will be based. Moreover, IGO-IFJ will be accountable for the production and review of the official documentation (e.g., management of financial statements, provision of the required financial documentation). |
Judicial Training Institute (IGO-IFJ)
01/04/2022- 31/03/2024
Field network &
Associated specific objective 1– Ascertain and engage key actors from the project’s target group at early project stages –linked to general objective 1; Associated specific objective 2 – Effectively support judges and magistrates (but also lawyers on a second level) for the execution of FD 2008/947 – linked to general objective 2.
T2.1. National stakeholder mapping
This activity will be carried out via a threefold cascade concept, as detailed in the subtasks below. T2.1.1. Identification of top-level national contact points
T2.1.2. Mapping of stakeholders in the different partner countries
T2.1.3. Organisation of a preliminary meeting
T2.2. Advisory-board set-up From the pool of individuals comprised within the stakeholder mapping developed within in T2.1, an Advisory Board (max. 5 experts) will be set up aiming to:
T2.3. Production of informative materials Looking to offer concrete support to judges and magistrates (and potentially also interested lawyers), the Consortium will focus on collecting central information on how the FD is applied in the different EU Member States, with a special focus on the partner countries. To that extent, a chapter on each jurisdiction represented in J-CAP will be developed, including information on the step-by-step implementation of probation measures and alternative sanctions, the execution of the FD, authorities’ roles and level of involvement, as well as the measurement of rehabilitation prospects and achievements. This task will ultimately result in the production of a contextualised glossary encompassing the different available probation measures and alternative sanctions in the partnership, building on top of the work previously developed by the EU Probation Project. T2.4. Thematic workshops Under this activity, dialogue and brainstorming will be promoted among judges and magistrates, regarding:
Judicial Training Institute (IGO-IFJ)
PR.3. Transnational awareness-raising symposia
Associated specific objective 2–Effectively support judges and magistrates (but also lawyers on a second level) for the execution of FD 2008/947 –linked to general objective 2; Associated specific objective 3 –Upscale the practitioners’ sensitivity and interest towards the FD –linked to general objective 3; Associated specific objective 4 –Foster increased awareness on the advantages of transferring probationers for their resettlement and reintegration –linked to general objective 4.
T3.1. Design J-CAP’s awareness-raising plan
This task will focus on conceptualising the awareness-raising intervention the Consortium will implement during the cross-professional transnational awareness-raising symposia (T3.4). T3.2. Produce a guidance booklet for practitioners Under this task, the partnership will develop a guidance booklet for practitioners to facilitate the implementation and operationalisation of the FD. The document will strive to put forward a Common Outline for the EU Member States regarding the assessment of rehabilitation goals and achievements while offering specific guidelines. As there are no generally recognised definitions in this regard, the proposal of the common outline will mostly rely on transversal indicators (e.g., no reconvictions within the four next years), as well as those deriving from the previously organised Thematic Workshops (T2.4) and collected best practices at national and EU-level (which this very same task will encompass). The booklet will target practitioners’ needs (primarily judges and magistrates, while proving useful for interested and curious lawyers as well), including the conclusions on the intrinsic gender perspective of executing the 947 instrument, as well as considerations for improvement overall, with a concrete focus on effective strategies for the execution of FD (e.g., procedural issues; filling out the necessary certificates/orders; identifying the appropriate contact point, namely through the use of the Judicial Atlas on criminal matters), but also on the European Probation Rules. T3.3. Update the EU probation project software Building on the software produced under the scope of the EU Probation Project, the partnership will complement it and update it, thereby facilitating the work of judges and magistrates and other professional groups (lawyers) when handling the 947 instrument. After the project’s closure, the software will be ceded to the European Judicial Network. T3.4. Transnational awareness-raising symposia The awareness-raising symposia will look to achieve strengthened cooperative relationships between participants, leading to fruitful exchanges of ideas and practices, improved knowledge regarding one another’s judicial system and competent authorities. Practical sessions are envisaged as well, promoting networking, while offering concrete opportunities for the involved practitioners to learn more about the use of the instrument. Each symposium will set aside one-half day for a study visit to the national training institute, which will host the events. Moreover, the topics for discussion will consider gendered experiences of probationers and specificities linked to gender when considering transfers, count with the dissemination of materials countering gender stereotypes, and outline the relationship between gender and probation measures and transfers. By summarising the most relevant aspects of the national discussions (which will provide the groundwork for the upcoming WP4), as well as the results from a pre-vs post-feedback form for participants, the partnership will produce an International Symposium Communiqué. |
European Strategies Consulting (ESC)
PR4. Convergence of practices towards a fluid implementation of FD 2008/947 at EU-level
Associated specific objective 2–Effectively support judges and magistrates (but also lawyers on a second level) for the execution of FD 2008/947 –linked to general objective 2. Associated specific objective 3 –Upscale the practitioners’ sensitivity and interest towards the FD –linked to general objective 3; Associated specific objective 4 –Foster increased awareness on the advantages of transferring probationers for their resettlement and reintegration –linked to general objective 4
These events will frame the closure of J-CAP’s awareness-raising intervention, allowing the roundtables to play a central role in their publicity and progressively expand the project’s audience.
T4.2. Set-up and integration of JUDICIAL TALKs content for training purposes During the events foreseen within T4.1, short videos will be created to be incorporated into the training programme of Judicial Training Centres and national Institutes of Magistracy comprised within J-CAP’s Consortium and Associated Partners, for supporting initial and continuous training. This task will follow the previously mentioned gender mainstreaming measures. |
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (IPS)
PR5: Strategical dissemination and exploitation programme
Associated specific objective 3 –Upscale the practitioners’ sensitivity and interest towards the FD –linked to general objective 3; Associated specific objective 4 –Foster increased awareness on the advantages of transferring probationers for their resettlement and reintegration –linked to general objective 4.
T5.1. Dissemination, mainstreaming and sustainability strategy plan
A coherent and comprehensive dissemination and sustainability strategy will be developed from the start of the project, aiming to optimise the exploitation of the project’s activities and results, maximising the project’s visibility, increasing stakeholders’ engagement and commitment towards the project. As such, this task will focus on enhancing J-CAP’s sustainability through a mainstreaming optic. T5.2. Dissemination toolkit Aiming to standardise and consolidate the project’s visual identity whilst strengthening J-CAP’s brand, a dissemination toolkit will be produced at the beginning of the project. It will comprise the project’s logo, website, documentation templates and a roll-up. T5.3. J-CAP’s bi-annual e-Magazines The Consortium will design and disseminate e-magazines (approx. 5-month periodicity) in order to expand the project’s outreach and stakeholder base. These are to be translated into every partner language by the project partners. The e-magazines will present up-to-date information on the project’s activities and tangible results, explicitly emphasising the achievement of milestones and deliverables. T5.4. J-CAP news articles and project booklet J-CAP will be featured in four of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine’s editions. One of these will be a premium publication covering the project’s main objectives and outputs and include a booklet of the project’s goals and achievements. T5.5. Final International Conference J-CAP’s final international conference will seek to unpack the project’s outputs’ relevance in the overall context of improving the effective and coherent application of EU law, specifically in what concerns the promotion of resocialisation and rehabilitation of ex-inmates. |
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (IPS)
01/04/2022- 31/03/2024